Friday, April 3, 2009


What is lipoma?
Lipoma is a non-malignant fatty tumor that forms between the dermis and muscle tissue. The etiology of lipoma tumors is unknown but a genetic link has been established. Lipomas are most commonly seen in people that are middle age. Lipomas grow slowly therefore a person may remain undiagnosed until symptoms arise or it was an incidental finding. Lipomas can be identified by there mushiness when palpated and the tumor is moveable when scant amount of force is applied. A lipoma tumor may form anywhere on body, however it is most prevalent in the neck, arm and thigh regions.
Signs and Symptoms
Typically, lipomas are slow growing with little to no pain, but if the tumor begins to grow in size or compress on surrounding nerves than pain may be intensified. The tumor will be moveable and spongy to the touch. Lipomas are most commonly less than 2 inches in size and may remain undetectable for several years.
A physician may order a CT scan to rule out the presence of liposarcoma which is a malignant tumor within fatty tissue. A biopsy taken at the doctor’s office can also rule out the diagnosis of liposarcoma. Treatment is largely based on the patient’s symptoms. If the tumor is not obstructing the patient’s ability to perform activities of daily living and there are no complaints of pain or tenderness, then the physician may only monitor the tumor over the years for a change in status. If pain is present or activity is affected then the tumor can be removed in the physician’s office.

1 comment:

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